For non personalised items
If you want to return your items, you can return them within 14 days after you have received them please contact us first at When we have received the item, we will refund you for the product which includes our standard free delivery costs. this will not include delivery costs for returning the item.
For non personalised items and personalised items that are faulty, damaged or the wrong item.
If the item is faulty or damaged or the wrong item, please contact us at as soon as possible. We might ask you to take a photo of the item. The item must be returned to us within 7 working days of receiving, and in its original packaging.
When we have received the item, we will check it over and then sort a refund out for you. Refunds will be sent within 14 days. We will refund you in full plus any extra delivery costs, and the cost of returning the product to us. We will refund you by the same payment method that you used when you placed the order.
Telephone Number 01268 755318
Mon - Fri 9am to 5:30pm